Hellenic Photographic Society – Photo Exhibition

New Exhibition Opening at İFSAK Local!

The opening of the Hellenic Photographic Society's exhibition will be held at İFSAK Local on Monday, November 18 at 19:30.
The exhibition can be visited between November 18 and December 5, 2024.

The Hellenic Photographic Society (HPS) was founded in 1952 and was the sole focus of creative photographers in the 50s, 60s and 70s, giving lectures on creative photography and organizing Panhellenic photography competitions to popularize and establish the art of photography in Greece.

HPS’s creative photographers shaped the country’s post-war photographic landscape through their work in modern art. Notable contributors who played a significant role in the development of Modern Greek Photography include S. Meletzis, K. Balafas, D. Harisiadis, A. Ververis, D. Letsios, T. Tloupas, I. Apostolidis, M.Chrousaki, Th. Tsagkris, N. Blackbeard, Chr. Tselios, B. Papaioannou, Z. Stella, P. Brousalis.

 The Hellenic Photographic Society's continuous contribution to the artistic life of Greece has strengthened the art of photography in the post-war country and has managed to remain at the forefront of photographic creation for over 60 years, encouraging artistic creation and dialogue.

The magazine "Hellenic Photography", published continuously by the HPS editorial committee from June 1954 to January 1993, has hosted important examples of photographers in its pages and has become a unique reference point for all modern researchers who have contributed to the development of photography in Greece. After a period of suspension, the magazine has been republished in digital format with a very rich content suitable for modern photographic needs. The magazine is sent to its members on a three-month basis, free of charge, and includes current photographic news, as well as the calendar of all national and international events and news related to FIAP.

Today, the Hellenic Photographic Society actively participates in photography events in Greece and also promotes photography internationally by representing the country in Biennales and other international exhibitions. The society has been organizing the International Festival of Photography for the last 10 years without interruption, has been organizing national photo contests for over 50 years, has organized the Balkan photo contests and operates the only photography-specific exhibition hall in Athens. The members of the society continue to produce high-quality photographic works and exhibit them to the people of Athens.

The association has also consolidated its place on the international stage in this field with the successful international photography competitions held in 2018. Educational seminars and workshops complement the work of HPS, which does not neglect to renew itself and adapt to the needs of the modern age.
Celebrating the 70th anniversary of its foundation in 2022, the association has once again demonstrated its historical past and contribution to the Greek photography scene.

The Hellenic Photographic Society has been a member of FIAP (Federation International de l'Art Photographique) since 1954 and is its only representative in Greece. In 2018, the exhibition hall was recognized by FIAP and its name was changed to ATHENS FIAP EXHIBITION CENTER. Since then, it has hosted numerous exhibitions and events under the auspices of FIAP.

All necessary information about the history of HPS, upcoming events and activities, as well as general information about FIAP are available on the official website of the association.
The works of 13 members of the Hellenic Photographic Society are exhibited: